It is a little worrisome to me that the frontrunner for the Democratic party and the crazy dictator of Iran share the same foreign policy views on Iraq: US withdrawal. I am not sure what I think of the Iraq effort, but I can be pretty sure that whatever the mad mullahs want is bad.
And it is also worrisome that the Venezuelan dictator is a communist who is cozy with Syria and afore-mentioned Iran, and is massing troops on democratic Columbia’s borders. And that he calls Columbia “the Israel of South America.” Which is a derogatory slur, apparently.
The above events suggest to me a convergence of shared interests among the communists, the islamofascists, and the liberals of the West. The new tri- unity is based on hatred of the God of the Bible, hatred of Israel who is the apple of the God of the Bible’s eye, and hatred of individual liberty based on individual responsibility under the rule of the law commanded by the Bible.
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