Doctrinal discussions, part one
God’s revelation is replete with seeming opposites, and it is over the interpretation of these that many divisions in the Church have occurred. Word or Spirit, law or grace, faith or works, mercy or justice, liberty or discipline, free will or predestination. Scriptures teach the Word, and the Spirit; law, and grace; and so on. Predestination is an obviously biblical doctrine. My understanding of it is not perfect. Is any man’s?
Free will seems to be a biblical doctrine as well. The scripture that always comes to mind for me when free will is denounced as heretical is Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem, in Matthew 23:37:
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!”
“Would” is a “will” word. Here the grace of God as expressed in God’s desire to gather the children of Israel under His wings seems to be resisted by the unwillingness of the Israelites to be gathered.
to be continued …
Update: doctrinal discussions, part three
doctrinal discussions, part four
I can't wait to read more!!