I quit checking my e-mail address associated with this blog some time ago. It seems for the longest time I never got any e-mail, except spam. I just realized today that I couldn’t remember the last time I checked it, and I thought, “Well, maybe there will be an e-mail or two in there by now.” Well, it had been over a year since the last time I checked. I just want to apologize to everyone. There were dozens (and dozens) of e-mails waiting. So I want you all to know, if you have e-mailed me about this blog or any of my blog posts, I did get your e-mail, and I will be working over the next few weeks to answer you. Please don’t give up on me! If you want, you can e-mail me again. My e-mail address is at the bottom of this page. Now when I am all caught up, I am making it my goal to check my e-mail every week from now on. So hopefully nothing like this long hiatus will ever happen again. (If it does, you can always leave a comment. Those get forwarded to my personal e-mail inbox, which I see every day).
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