Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Genesis 5 and 6.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 3.
The Greek Testament reading is in Matthew 3.
Essential Studies.
Gen 5:32-6:4, Sons of God series (Additional studies: Genesis Index)
Immediately following the history of the rapacious abuse of office employed by the sons of rulers, if the above is correct, God’s commentary in 6:3 is,
“My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh; therefore his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
That is, a censure, for men in this era lived 900+ years. The double meaning on this censure is also that Noah was 120 years building the ark, so man had 120 years left before his flesh was destroyed in the Flood. Now if the fault was with higher spiritual beings, demons or angels, who impregnated women, and not man, then why censure man? Why does His censure not fall on angels? Moreover, in Gen 6:5-6, His censure is again with man and not angels:
And YHVH saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented YHVH that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart.
Psalm 3, YHVH’s blessing upon His people (Additional studies: Psalms Book One (1-41) Index)
Matthew 3, Fruit worthy of repentance (Additional studies: Matthew Index)
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in Psalm 29 and 30.
Suggested study: Psalm 29, Bible for Beginners, and Psalm 30, Bible for Beginners (coming).
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