Today’s annual Torah portion is Beshalach, “When he let go,” in Exodus 13:17-17:16.
Today’s triennial Torah portion is Bechukotai, “By my decrees,” in Leviticus 26:3-27:34.
Today’s Old Testament chronological reading is in Genesis 17 and 18.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 30.
No New Testament reading today.
The Annual Beshalach Outline is here.
I was unable to complete any new posts for the triennial Torah portion this year, I apologize. But here are some links:
Lev 26:3-27:34, Annual Bechukotai chiastic structure
Lev 25:1-27:34, Behar + Bechukotai paragraph divisions and chiastic structure
Lev 26 and 27, What the soul abhors (not)
Today’s notes.
And I will set my tabernacle among you: and my soul shall not abhor you. Lev 26:11
TO ABHOR. Strong’s H1602 געל ga’al, a primitive root meaning, “to loathe, to despise.”
gimel ג = foot, thus foot, walk, gather
ayin ע = eye, thus watch, know, shade
lamed ל = shepherd’s staff, thus teach, yoke, to, bind
To walk away (gimel) from the shade (ayin, in the sense of imparted wisdom and instruction) provided by the shepherd (lamed, the God-ordained authority, or God Himself).
His soul abhors abominable works, those works which are out-law, or out from under the shade His Law provides. Those who delight in abominable works, His soul abhors.
Links to previous studies.
Gen 17:1-14, The everlasting covenant
Gen 17:15-27, The promised seed by Sarah
Gen 18:1-33, Finding Messiah in Torah
Gen 17 and 18, Chiastic structures
Gen 17 and 18, The names of God
Psalm 30, Chiastic structure
Psalm 30, Let His people magnify Him
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