I believe that both testaments of the Holy Scriptures are in complete harmony with each other and teach the same message: that righteousness or right- standing (salvation or justification) before God is by faith not works. I believe that right behavior or actions (sanctification or obedience to God) is an outcome of true faith, and this admonition to behave rightly is preached without alteration from Genesis through Revelation. I believe that there is one God, one gospel, one faith, one message inspired by the one Spirit, and one people of God from Genesis through Revelation. I believe that God expressed as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is eternal and unchanging, the same yesterday, today, and forever. I believe that His Word is true from Genesis to Revelation, and that none of it has passed away nor will pass away until all is fulfilled.
As such, I believe that Jesus and the apostles are not in opposition to Moses and the Prophets, but that Jesus and the apostles preach right behavior or sanctification as an evidence of saving faith, lest any man should be deceived (Christine’s statement of faith).
:: That righteousness is of faith ::
:: Obedience has not passed away Scripture album ::
Mat 5, Obeying from the heart 2009 aug 17
Mat 5, The Law and Prophets fulfilled 2011 jan 07
Mat 5-7, Sermon on the Mount chiastic structure 2012 jan 09
Mat 6, Teaching the Ten Commandments 2009 aug 18
Mat 7, Just measures 2012 jan 10
Mat 7, Saying ‘Lord, Lord’ 2010 aug 11
Mat 19, No one good but God 2011 jan 27
Mat 23, The burden of Torah 2011 feb 02
Mar 2, Lord of the Sabbath 2009 dec 07
Mar 3, What is lawful on the Sabbath 2011 apr 15
Act 15, The Jerusalem Council and Torah 2013 mar 28
Rom 6, Under law and under grace 2013 apr 04
Rom 6, Shall we continue in sin? 2013 apr 05
Rom 7, Dead to the law 2011 mar 30
Rom 14:1-4, Disputes over doubtful things 2013 apr 29
Rom 14:1-4, Disputes over doubtful things part two 2013 apr 30
Rom 14:5-6, Esteeming days 2013 may 01
Rom 14:5-6, Esteeming days part two 2013 may 02
1 Cor 10, The fruit of faith 2013 may 30
:: Galatians: nullifying the grace of Messiah ::
Eph 2, The enmity abolished 2013 aug 07
Col 1, That which bears fruit 2013 sep 09
Col 2:13-14, That which has been nailed to the cross 2013 sep 10
Col 2:16-17, The shadow of things to come 2013 sep 11
Col 2:20-23, The commandments and doctrines of men 2013 sep 12
Heb 8, Is the Old Covenant obsolete? 2013 mar 29
Heb 8, Is the Old Covenant obsolete? part two 2013 apr 01
Heb 8, Is the Old Covenant obsolete? part three 2013 apr 02
:: Clean and unclean food in the New Testament ::
:: Sabbath rest in the New Testament ::
:: Lawlessness in the New Testament ::
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