Just a few days ago, I noted an article discussing the feminization of schools, how schools tend to put boys in the special education or learning disability track, just for approaching life like males and not wanting to be made into girls. This feminization can now be shown statistically as well.
While the system acknowledges that girls outperform boys in some areas, they point to the SAT scores, and repeat the received wisdom, that girls outperform boys in verbal, but boys outperform girls in math, so everything’s even Steven. Not exactly. An analysis of female versus male performance in reading and math achievement shows that among seventeen year olds, girls outperform boys in reading by 14 points, while boys outperform girls in math by 3 points. Not even Steven at all. Reading is so essential to all of education, not just verbal scores, that this widening reading gap translates to graduation rates: while 72% of girls graduate, only 65% of boys do.
Throw into this mix the intriguing observation of Joseph Wise, the superintendent of the Duval County Public Schools in Florida. “Our literature and reading is more girl friendly” in public schools, Wise told the audience at a College Board press conference last month.
Coupled with the NEA’s weird belief that their number one concern in education is the homo[s-x]ual agenda beginning in kindergarten, I can safely say we homeschool because we want our sons to grow into men.
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