Congressional staffers for a Democratic congressman called 25 crisis pregnancy centers (i.e., pro-life alternatives to abortion); they claim that they were given misleading information about the health risks associated with abortion.
Apparently the issue is that a small percentage of crisis pregnancy centers receive federal funding for promoting abstinence.
One complaint centered on the emotional trauma abortion often causes:
The report from the Democratic aides also said the pregnancy resource centers provided false information about the mental health effects of abortion, telling the aides that it could cause severe long-term emotional harm. However, an American Psychological Association panel said, “Severe negative reactions are rare.”
Huh? A new study which was published in January of this year conclusively proves that abortion causes massive mental health problems. Where was the reporter who wrote this story? He could not point out that the claims of the staffers and the APA panel had been refuted by new studies?
I saw a bumper sticker yesterday. It said something like, The media is as liberal as the conservative businesses who own them. I guess the point of the sticker was to scoff at the idea that the media is liberal. A journalist who prints a story given to him by Democratic staffers without doing any research as to the validity of their claims certainly shows up the myth of the liberal media, by golly.
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