… the MSM is carrying water for the Democrats in an election year. I don’t listen to Rush very often, because I am busy working during the day, and the radio is a distraction when I am researching or writing. But I heard that he was talking about GOP internal polling last week, that the polling is putting the GOP well ahead (Broken link, active September 18, 2006) of the Democrats for the House and Senate races this fall, in spite of the doom and gloom you read or hear in the MSM. So the headline in the Washington Post this morning, was Major Problems at Polls Feared. The MSM is already laying the groundwork for the Democrats, so that, if the Lord wills, when the GOP retains the House and Senate in November, the Dems can charge vote fraud as the reason for the win. Didn’t Hugh Hewitt write a book the last election cycle about the Democrats and their love affair with vote fraud charges as a means to win elections, since they can’t win them on the issues? I think so. And add to my wish list, along with those towns looking to involve the Lord in their day to day lives, a politically unbiased national media.
As a resident of Washington state, whose last gubernatorial election was literally STOLEN through the help of dead voters, felons, homeless-trade-votes-for-booze, and shady counting, we’re all too familiar with the vote fraud.
What do you think about the next Presidential election? I read that Giulani was the Rep.’s #1 choice. Yet character matters; ethics count. So how can Rudy be #1? The Republicans (I’m registered R) can’t have it both ways.
… if he was the Republican nominee, as he is pro-choice. I just can’t vote for a pro-choice person who has the power to appoint Supreme Court justices. There are a lot of Republicans who are fiscal conservatives, or libertarian- leaning, or tough on defense, but who are not social conservatives, as most Christians who are Republicans are. There is a faction of the Republican party who are actively working against socially conservative Republicans (see the post, below, the GOP is disconnected from its base, for our experience with that). I saw a headline not long ago about someone in the GOP calling for the party to get rid of the Christians, which drag the party down. Whaaa? I have no idea who I could vote for in 08. I wish Dick Cheney or Rumsfeld would run; or even Jeb Bush; I could vote for any of them before Guiliani. We will have to see who the nominee is.